Attention MassHealth Families!

Please see important information below regarding your health insurance. Translated documents are below the English version.

All members have kept their MassHealth coverage because of federal continuous coverage requirements. Beginning April 1, 2023, MassHealth will return to our regular renewal process. At this time, MassHealth will need to renew all members’ health coverage to ensure they still qualify for their current benefit. These renewals will take place over 12 months. This means you can get your renewal forms in the mail at any time between April 2023 and April 2024.

If we have enough information to confirm your eligibility, we will renew your coverage automatically. If we can’t confirm your eligibility automatically, you will get a renewal form in a blue envelope at the mailing address we have for you that you need to respond to before the deadline on the form.  

What you need to do now: 

  • Make sure MassHealth has your most up to date address, phone number, and email so you do not miss important information and notices from MassHealth. If we are not able to contact you when you need to renew, your coverage may change, or you may lose your coverage. 

  • Read all your mail. MassHealth will be sending your renewal form in a blue envelope. Additional important notices or request for information may arrive in white envelopes.

  • Respond to MassHealth before the deadline. Your notice will have a deadline. Make sure you fill out and send all needed information to MassHealth by the deadline.

When you get your blue envelope in the mail, you can renew online, via mail or fax, over the phone, or in-person. Visit to learn more about how to renew.

If you think you might not be eligible for MassHealth, other health coverage options are available. You may qualify for an affordable plan through the MA Health Connector, your employer, Medicare, or other sources. Members can visit or call customer service at 1-877- MA ENROLL (1-877-623-7773) to learn more or enroll in a plan. 

If you lose your MassHealth coverage, it is a Qualifying Life Event (QLE). This means you can enroll in a plan with the Health Connector outside of the regular Open Enrollment Period.