May 18, 2021
Good afternoon WPS families and staff,
Last night, school districts across the state received a few particularly important updates from the Massachusetts Commissioner of Education regarding COVID-19 safety measures in our schools. These updates are as follows:
Effective Tuesday, May 18, students no longer have to wear masks when outdoors, even if distance cannot be maintained. Adults must continue to wear masks outdoors if distancing cannot be maintained. At this time, adults and students must continue to wear masks inside schools.
Students can now share classroom materials.
In alignment with state guidance, the gathering limits for school events with outside participants will be lifted starting May 29, 2021.
The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education released this COVID-19 FAQs shortly after the Baker-Polito Administration announced that many of the Commonwealth’s COVID-19-related restrictions would end on Saturday, May 29, and that Governor Baker will end Massachusetts’ State of Emergency on Tuesday, June 15. Note that all of the federal U.S. Department of Agriculture school meal flexibilities that were announced on April 20 are effective through June 30, 2022 regardless of the status of Massachusetts’ State of Emergency.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your building Principal. Thank you!
Stefan Czaporowski
Superintendent of Schools
Westfield Public Schools