Why Us
We put education to work!
Westfield Technical Academy is the premier student-centered learning community, focused on integrating academic and technical achievement with career and college readiness. We are preparing students academically, technically, and professionally to meet the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century.
Earn while you learn.
Our cooperative education program allows students to earn money for college and to apply their technical skills in the corporate environment while working in their technical area during high school.
Hands-on learning for everyone!
At Westfield Technical Academy, your student will receive two educations in one; a traditional high school education plus specialized training in a technical major. We recognize that not everyone learns the same way. Our programs emphasize inquiry-based and project based learning in addition to traditional classroom studies.
Tiger PRIDE.
We are committed to providing a supportive and safe environment in order to meet the intellectual and social needs of our diverse student body. This philosophy is implemented by adhering to our core values: Perseverance Respect Integrity Diversity Excellence
technical programs

Allied Health

Arts and Communication

Automotive Technology

Aviation Maintenance Tech

Business Technology

Collision Technology

Construction Technology

Culinary Arts

Electrical Wiring

Horticulture Technology

Information Technology

Manufacturing Technology