Westfield on Weekends (WOW) partnered with the Westfield Technical Academy (WTA) horticulture department this year to bring beauty to the city’s twin bridges. Horticulture Technology Instructor Nate Sperry and his students grew, planted and installed the flower boxes on the twin bridges this year.
Funding for the flowers is provided annually by the Beveridge Foundation to WOW to continue the bridge flower tradition. In the past, WOW has purchased and planted the flowers and the school or Parks and Recreation installed the flower boxes.
This year, WTA collaborated more significantly.
“We grew the flowers in our small greenhouse over the winter,” said Sperry. “They were all grown by the students under grow lights.” Students grew and planted elephant ears, marigolds, geraniums, vinca, sweet potato vine and succulents.
Sperry said it was a nice collaboration that he hopes will expand. WOW President Bob Plasse thanked WTA for partnering with the group. There were 24 baskets planted – 12 on each bridge.