Hello WTA Family!
Welcome to the New Year 2022! I hope you all had a wonderful winter vacation and were able to enjoy a lot of rest and relaxation in the company of family and friends.
As many of you know, I was struck by an automobile in early December, and I still home convalescing from my injuries. I want to take this opportunity to say “thank you” to the many members of our WTA Family and the Westfield Community who have reached out to me with their good wishes, support, encouragement, and prayers. Your prayers especially are, in many ways, the best medicine of all!
My own unexpected situation aside, I have entered 2022 filled with a sense of promise, possibility, and eagerness, in spite of the anxiety and uncertainty caused by the lingering global pandemic. In that regard, I am forcing myself to consider how I might “do things differently”, as it were in 2022. Beyond grateful to still be alive, my resolution is to spend more of my time channeling that gratitude into caring for and going out of my way for others; more of my time listening instead of talking; and more of my time remembering that my life is never measured by what I get so much as it is by what I give. Won’t you all join me in this resolution too? Think about it…
Again, happy New Year! I hope to be back to WTA sooner than later. In the meantime, and, as always, please know how grateful I am for all that you do on behalf of WTA!
Joe Langone