Hello WTA Family!
Well, it’s that time of the year already…
As you know, March is the month during which the annual state assessment cycle begins. Our Tenth Graders will complete MCAS English Language Arts Testing on Tuesday, March 22, and Wednesday, March 23, with make-ups scheduled for the following week. Math and Science Testing occur in May and June respectively, and I will provide more details via school messenger as we get closer to those administrations.
On March 22 and 23, all grade 10 Students should plan to arrive for testing no later than 7:30 a.m. Breakfast will be available in the cafeteria prior to testing. For all Grade 9, 11, and 12 Students, we will observe a three (3) hour delay. However, the buses will run at their regular schedule for those Grade 9, 11, and 12 Students who need transportation, and these students will report to either the cafeteria or the gymnasium and remain there until the testing for each day is complete. The regular school day will resume for all at approximately 10:20 (Period 5).
While none of us want our Tenth Graders to become overly anxious about testing, it is still extremely important to remind them that successful completion of the MCAS is, in fact, a graduation requirement in Massachusetts. You can help us ensure your children’s success by making sure they
- Come to school on time each day of the testing window;
- Get at least eight hours of sleep each night;
- Eat a nourishing breakfast each morning;
- And—most importantly—know you believe they can and will do their best on the test.
If you have any questions and/or concerns about this year’s MCAS Testing, please don’t hesitate to call me at (413) 572-6533 or email me at j.langone@schoolsofwestfield.org.
As always, please know how grateful I am for all that you do on behalf of WTA!
Joe Langone