Hello WTA Family!
Well, it’s November, and after what was, for the most part, a beautiful October, it’s certainly beginning to feel like it!
November has already shaped up to be a busy month here at the Academy. Two events, in particular, come to mind:
- On Thursday evening, November 3, we will be holding our annual Joint Technical Open House from 6:00 to 7:30. This is an opportunity for our entire community—but especially our friends in Grade 8 who are considering applying for admission to WTA—to take a closer look at our 12 technical programs and talk to our program and academic instructors and students. Please be advised that masks and social distancing will be required of all participants.
- On Wednesday evening, November 15, we will be holding our annual General Advisory Committee Dinner and Meeting from 6:00 to 8:00 in the WTA Cafeteria. We are overjoyed to be having a live meeting this year—our first since 2019—to review our progress, to elect our chair, and to thank our GAC Members for their continued and critical support of our technical programs.
Please remember that there will be no school for students from Wednesday, November 23 to Friday, November 25 in observance of the Thanksgiving Recess.
In closing, I would like to extend to everyone my sincerest best wishes for a happy and safe Thanksgiving Holiday! Thanksgiving is our annual opportunity as a nation to adopt an “attitude of gratitude” for all of the blessings we have received—and continue to receive each and every day. In that spirit of gratitude, let’s take advantage of every opportunity we can to share those blessings with those who are less fortunate and in need.
Again, Happy Thanksgiving, and, as always, please know how grateful I am for all that you do on behalf of WTA!
Joe Langone