Dear Westfield Parents of Special Education students,

I hope this letter finds you and your family well.

As the school year draws to a close, I want to thank you for all your patience, understanding, and support you have given to your children and Westfield Public Schools. This year has been one of adjustment from COVID and has finally brought us together in-person. We have faced challenges and experienced successes. More importantly, we have been given inspiration to continue to make improvements.

This year, the special education department has expanded some of our substantially separate programs, increased our number of behaviorists and BCBAs, presented at SEPAC meetings, and had the ongoing pleasure to serve our special education students.

I am grateful for all the hard work our special education supervisors, ETLs, special education teachers, related service providers and paraprofessionals have provided this year. I am especially grateful to you, as parents, for all that you do for your children.

I would like to wish you a restful and enjoyable summer!

Best regards,

Deb Ecker