Westfield High School wore pink today to support the CHD Cancer House of Hope. Our Student Council hosted a fundraiser and all funds collected were donated to the Cancer House of Hope. Margaret Toomey, Program Director of the CHD Cancer House of Hope was on hand to accept the donation.
The CHD Cancer House of Hope provides free access to all therapies and wellness programs. Our programs include: Wig Boutique, Relaxation, Reiki, Oncology Massage, Yoga (virtual), Gentle Chair Yoga, Art Therapy, All Cancer Support Group, Breast Cancer Support Group, Hypnosis, Bra Fitting, Therapeutic Horseback riding, and a variety of seasonal outdoor activities.
Please contact Cancer House of Hope if you have any questions.
Thank You,
Margaret Toomey
Program Director
CHD Cancer House of Hope
1999 Westfield Street
West Springfield, MA 01089